Tranquility du Jour #442: Creativity

TdJ 442 Creativity
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I muse on creativity—ways to practice it, tools for making it happen, benefits, and more.

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TdJ 442 Creativity


Direct download: Tranquility du Jour #442: Creativity

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TDJ Live: March 24 at 8pm {Free, online}

Pigs, Pugs & Pinot: April 28, 3-5pm

Yoga + the Animals: June 8 at Burleigh Manor Animal Sanctuary

Tranquility in Tuscany: July 13-20 in Italy {8 spots left}


Savvy Sources

Mentioned in the Podcast

TDJ Tenets PDF
Everyday Creativity PDF
Creativity Infographic
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