Tranquility du Jour #508: Sustainable Living

Tranquility du Jour #508: Sustainable Living
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with returning guest and renaissance woman Melinda Parkhurst about ways to incorporate more plants into your diet, a typical day of meals, and sustainable living.

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Melinda takes a holistic approach to life and revels in all things creative while being kind to the earth.  She is an author, tribal fusion dancer, avid gardener, mixed media artist, and photographer.  She has a Master’s in Transpersonal Psychology and is a certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator.  She is pursuing a Meditation Teacher certification and Professional Coaching certification. She is passionate about rescue dogs and volunteers with organizations that help eradicate hunger in the local community. She believes that everyone who desires to find their authentic self, develop their creative voice, or live a more healthful lifestyle can do so, even with limited resources. She believes it is never too late to start the journey—it just takes letting go of expectations and enjoying the process.

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