April in Review

love notes
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April in Review

Hello love! Each month I do a review of the month and also share my next month’s dreams. This reflection exercise allows me to stay accountable, review goals, celebrate, and note what needs adjustment. I duplicate this process in my Daybook, too, since I’m a paper lover! You’ll also find an assortment of photos from the month plus Savvy Sources I thought you may enjoy. Bisous. x


Smooth adjustment to the new normal [MOSTLY]
Daily exercise classes [MOSTLY]
Host inspiring virtual retreat [DONE!]
Stay healthy [DONE!]
Host community gatherings [DONE!]
Release two Tea with K videos [DONE!]
Release two podcasts [RELEASED THREE]
Collaborate with clients [DONE!]
Finalize Love Note welcome series [WORKING ON]
Update TranquiliT website [PENDING]

Highlights: Hosted TDJ Brunch, Zoom happy hours with family in Oklahoma, sold Mama Wilson’s custom face masks (still available), numerous soaks in the tub, watched Mrs. America (LOVE!), recorded five podcast interviews, shifted to weekly podcasts (I have so many good ones in the can for you), virtual tea dates with friends, nightly popcorn and family time, discovered Rose Bliss kombucha by Better Booch, finalized taxes, switched Love Note list to Flodesk and it’s soooo much cuter (have you noticed?!), prepped May 2 virtual retreat, took a daylong writing class with Donald Miller, finished The Upside of Being Down, shipped goodies, lots of pug cuddles, painted nails (and got polish on everything near my fingers and toes).

May Dreams

Daily exercise classes
Return to writing
Finalize Welcome Series
Create masterclass
Read three books
TranquiliT efforts
Set up therapy software
Design and send KWTherapy newsletter
Complete e-course
Declutter home
Big picture thinking

Savvy Sources

10 Books to Add to Your May Reading List
12 Ideas for Writing Through the Pandemic
How to Decorate Your Home to Encourage Creativity
30 Meatless Meals to Make this Week
20 Netflix Docs to Binge
Create an Indoor Jungle
10 Life Hacks to Cut Plastic Out of Your Life
8 Ways to Stay Creative During Quarantine
Managing Anxiety During Coronavirus Workbook
How to Zoom Like a Pro
Why Am I So Tired?
Thrive Guide to Mental Health in Time of COVID-19
10 Ways to Stay Motivated During Quarantine
Guided Meditations for Every Feeling