Fall Love

love notes
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2012-08-25_1345905314louis the pug and a heart leaf circa fall 2012

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.—Albert Camus

Happy October. Welcome to a brand new month and a chance to start anew. Sunday I gathered gold washi tape and a Sharpie, made a cuppa tea, and pulled out my Daybook to review September dreams and pen October’s. This monthly ritual helps me stay connected to the bigger picture, so I don’t get too lost in the day-to-day minutia.

Bundled in layers, Tim and I sat outside last night with the pups. There was a sliver of the moon hanging in the dark sky and a comforting chill in the air. I feel like fall wraps me in a warm blanket while offering a sensory-filled variety show—mums, fall foliage, apples, fires.

During Monday’s podcast, Tim and I discussed the evolution of Tranquility du Jour over the past 11 years. We also noted the slew of anniversaries happening right now—Tranquil Space turns 17, Tranquility du Jour blog turns 12, Tranquil Space Foundation turns 10, Hip Tranquil Chick turns 10. Clearly a lot of seed planting and sprouting takes place this time of the year.

While we typically think of spring as the time for blooms, for me it must be fall. This season is often associated with back to school and for some it’s the start of a new year. During our recent Tranquility du Jour Live, one of the suggested tips was to create a Q4 wish list. Possibly the realization that the year is coming to a close ignites a fire to bring forth those tucked aside dreams.

Whatever fuels me in fall—besides pumpkins, campfires, and tall boots—it works. There’s something about this season that feels ripe for creation. While I don’t have anything new in mind, I do plan to paint my pumpkins pink and purple, polish the new Hip Tranquil Chick 10 chapter (5k words so far!), and celebrate anniversaries. Oh, and there’s drawing in the new Ladies Drawing Night book, baking vegan pumpkin scones, and seeing two Garth shows, too!

My Q4 wish list hangs next to my desk as a gentle reminder of how I hope to close 2016. Making space to savor fall’s bounty must be added to the top of that list. Bisous. x
