June + July Review

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June and July in Review

Wowza, it’s August! The past two months are a colorful blur and snippets from them are shown above. A sampling of highlights include hosting Yoga + the Animals, TDJ Soiree VIP meetup, the daylong TDJ Soiree, Mom for 10 days, TDJ Live, Tranquility du Jour Daybook launch fete, and Tranquility in Tuscany. Whew, for an introvert, that’s a BIG list!

In addition I celebrated my 46th birthday and ate tons of homemade pink vegan cupcakes, went to the Tranquil Space teacher training farewell, spent three days in Venice/seven days in Lucca/one day in Florence with Tim and my parents, completed a ballet boot camp and had a 55-second “performance,” released a few Tea with Kimberly videos, announced the upcoming 4-week Tranquility Salon, traveled to and from upstate New York to drop two pups at camp grandparents, released the Daybook, collaborated with beautiful clients, stuffed 1000 Pigs & Pugs Project goody bag inserts with the help of our board, attended Farm Sanctuary’s Pignic on July 4, donated micro-grants to pig sanctuaries and pug rescues, penned a variety of thank you notes and postcards from Italy, attended a 3-day Animal Rights conference, savored two rose tea lattes at Laduree, and went two stepping with a friend.

As I look ahead to August, I see spaciousness and regrouping. No events to host and a quieter calendar. I plan to spend time reading, returning to a writing project, and sipping as much iced mint green tea as possible. Wishing you a joyful launch into this brand new month. May it be filled with things that make you smile. Thanks for being here. Bisous. x

August Dreams

Release 2-3 Tea with Kimberly videos
Create content calendars
Prep TranquiliT’s fall collection
Announce Pigs & Pugs Project’s next event
Outline the new 12-week online course
Take 4-8 ballet and 4-8 yoga classes
Savor the Tony Bennett concert
Enjoy a birthday day trip with a friend
Prep for Paris [off to the City of Light August 29]
Support DC VegFest
Return to work with my beloved writing coach
Read two books

Savvy Sources

Cutting Through Indecision and Overthinking
What Kinds of Emotions Do Animals Feel?
How to Be a Fashion-Loving Minimalist
5 Simple Exercises That Can Help Relieve Anxiety
Top 5 Takeaways from Waking Up at 5am
How to Wear Animal Prints
9 Veg Recipes Even Carnivores Will Love
30 Ways to Practice Self-Love and Be Good to Yourself