May in Review

love notes
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Hello love! Monthly I do a review and also create my next month’s dreams. This reflection exercise allows me to stay accountable, review goals, celebrate, and note what needs adjustment. I duplicate this process in my Daybook, too, since I’m a paper lover!

You’ll also find an assortment of May’s photos plus a roundup of all things TDJ this month and Savvy Sources I thought you’d enjoy. Bisous. x

May in Review

Release five podcasts [DONE]
Release four Love Notes [DONE]
Release a Tea with K video [DONE]
Read four books [READ TWO]
Take 25 ballet classes [DONE]
Schedule late summer/fall trip to Paris [DONE]
Collaborate with clients [DONE]
Finish an online course [OOPS]
Savor time in Cape Charles, Virginia [DONE]
Safe travels back to Oklahoma [DONE]
Host inspiring Pop-Up for TDJPC [DONE]
Work on deepening memoir draft [DONE]
Meetups with friends [DONE]

May Highlights

Sipping a rose latte and dining inside Laduree [photo above]
Getting highlights [photo above]
Noticing blooms [photo above]
Driving to Oklahoma
Visiting Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma [twice in two months]
Brunch dates
Planning summer trip
Getting dressed up for dinner [photo above—note my 2in1 peeking out]
Savoring a vegan Mother’s Day brunch at a dog-friendly brewery with live jazz
Beach sunsets and morning walks
Meet up with colleagues from Amtrak internship
Tea dates with friends
Strolling Gizmo to Mercy Me for a vegan zucchini muffin [photo above]
Taking inspiring continuing education classes
Packing for a road trip [photo above]
Hosting a pet loss support group
Seeing the Paris to Hollywood exhibit at the Denver Art Museum [photo above]

June Dreams

Release four podcasts
Safe travels
Savor time in nature
Send 60 postcards
Host inspiring TDJ Live
Take 25 ballet classes
Read four books
Finish an online course

TDJ Roundup

June’s Book Club Pick [read along with us]
Giveaway Winner [congrats Wendy!}
Mental Health & Self-Care
April in Review
Podcast 539: Ageless Living
Podcast 540: Mental Health Awareness Part 1
Podcast 541: Authentic Biz & Life
Podcast 542: Tranquility & Mental Health Part 2
Podcast 543: Living with Loss

Savvy Sources

How to Escape the Happiness Guilt Trap
10 Budget-Friendly Plant-Based Meals
I’m Not Scared to Reenter Society. I’m Just Not Sure I Want To.
The 10 Biggest Wastes of Time We Regret As We Get Older
9 Books To Add To Your June Reading List
Nutritional Psychiatry: How What We Eat Can Boost Our Moods
99 Compliments to Give Someone (That Aren’t About Appearances)
16 Must-Watch Conscious Documentaries