Month in Review

love notes
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February in Review

Although February went fast, the month was filled with a variety of experiences. From hosting a week-long retreat in Costa Rica, to taking 12 ballet classes, to working on the TranquiliT spring collection, to setting aside a day to declutter, to hosting Tranquility Salon on Sunday nights, to dreaming up the Year of Tranquility Book Launch Fete THIS Friday.

I finished How to Get Away and You are a Badass, and read nuggets from many others such as How Georgia Became O’Keefe and My Life on the Road. For some reason I’m unable to focus on one book at a time and the pile of books on the side of my bed continues to reproduce while I sleep. I blame used bookstores.

When I reviewed my February Dreams, I was delighted to see that many of the intentions had come forth—collaborations with clients, Love Notes, dance classes, online event planning, decluttering, daily greens, four podcasts, veterinary social work classes. Although there are a few missing the X through the box, I’m moving them into March and calling it a day. Most are not time sensitive, but rather wishes for streamlining and enhancing.

I hope you, too, are proud of your month. You showed up and did your best. Sometimes life has other plans—illness, caregiving, injuries, exhaustion—and that’s okay.

As Scarlett would say, “After all, tomorrow is another day!” You got this and so much more. Happy March, loves! Bisous. x

March Dreams

Release TDJ Soiree tickets
Tea and ballet dates with girlfriends
Resist Thin Mints
Host inspiring TDJ Live on March 24
Release TranquiliT’s spring collection [DONE]
Read two books
Release two podcasts and two to four Love Notes
Begin consultation with a therapy mentor
Host a festive Year of Tranquility Book Launch Fete THIS Friday*
Start online writing course
Take 15 ballet classes
Learn tangible takeaways at conference
Finish veterinary social work module
Eat yumminess with new Purple Carrot subscription
*[Invites sent to all who filled out this form]

Savvy Sources

How To Declutter Your Life
A Guide to Setting Intentions with the New Moon [March 6]
How To Marie Kondo Your Diet
Why Slow Fashion is Important
10 Ways To Lead a Greener, Cleaner Life
Chic Outfits with Leggings
7 Books to Add to Your March Reading List
11 Sneaker Outfit Ideas
10 Plant-Based High-Protein Recipes
7 Steps to Create a Morning Routine That Works