week in review

love notes
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week in review
launched spring TranquiliT collection
was inspired by howard schultz, starbucks CEO
2 days of internship at n street village
vidcast featuring spring photo shoot
3 yoga classes
taught yoga + meditation class
signed up for january art journaling retreat in mexico
taught business of yoga workshop to teacher trainees
shipped TranquiliT + tranquilista books
featured on biz chicks
named among top 4 yoga teachers in dc via washingtonian
new santorini colour featured in all about the pretty 
3 MSW classes
manager meetings
wine/cheese dinner with le beau + friends
stocked tranquil space boutiques with spring TranquiliT colours
watercolor date with oh-so-patient mary catherine starr
picked up more numi jasmine + tazo peony + tazo zen tea = yum!
penned thank you notes + snail mailed them
mapped out next two years of MSW coursework
wrote monthly muse for tranquil space newsletter
heaps of spring cleaning: closet, curtains, linens
scheduled a few fun workshops for summer + fall at tranquil space 
spooned le pug
interviewed tara sophia mohr
felt exhausted for 2-3 days, then perked up
picked up peony candles + stargazer lilies = happiness
made a date to see ashley judd speak on april 11
tickets for next week’s n street village gala
weekend wishes
write 4 papers (boo)
dye fave discontinued organic cotton tees from blue to noir
support friday night’s kirtan fundraiser for japan
30 minutes of cardio at le gym
chat with teacher training mentee
serious studying for comps with study group
organize paperwork
soak in the tub
read for pleasure
schedule a massage
et toi? what’s on your weekend wish list? x