Summer Wish List

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During Sunday’s TDJ Live gathering, the petal/tool to “create a summer wish list” seemed to light people up. With the world—and our ability to move within it—in a very different place right now, focusing on what we can control and experiences we can create is crucial for our mental health.

Here’s a list of ideas to get us started with a summer wish list:

Lie in the grass. Feel the sunshine on your skin. Visit a shelter and walk dogs. Sip wine outside. Swim naked. Savor juicy watermelon outside. Grill peaches. Stargaze. Watch the fireflies. Listen to the birds, frogs, and other critters. Camp. Visit an animal sanctuary. Get a pink mani/pedi. Roast vegan marshmallows around a campfire. Run barefoot on the beach. Watch a movie outdoors. Visit a farmers’ market. Get a pink mani/pedi. Roast corn. Stroll along a beach boardwalk. Do yoga on a rooftop. Plant an herb garden. Dine al fresco. Wear open-toed shoes. Host a socially-distanced outdoor gathering. Pack a picnic and head to the nearest park. Make a vegan banana split. Wear a sun hat. Bike through a local park. Play tourist in your town. Look for online adult summer camps. Read a book cover to cover. Enjoy a sidewalk cafe. Notice the blue skies and moon cycles. Walk barefoot in the sand. Go on an evening hike.

Anything in particular stand out? What would nourish your senses and offer a sense of normalcy?

Choose five to add to your planner’s summer months.

Wishing you a soulful launch into summertime. Bisous. x

PS Need a dose of creative inspiration? Peruse this recent post.