Tranquility du Jour #458: Career Transitions

Tranquility du Jour #458: Career Transitions
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, returning guest Lara Blair and I talk career transitions and how to listen to that voice inside nudging you in new directions.

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Tranquility du Jour #458: Career Transitions


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Featured Guest


In constant pursuit of inspiration and creativity, portrait photographer Lara Blair has worn many hats. Photographer, artist, published author, teacher, retreat facilitator, designer—it’s all been in there at some point. She is especially enamored with connecting with women, empowering them with their own beauty in images and igniting a spark for their own life pursuits. Lara’s studio sits in a beautiful forest, ripe for portrait-making magic. She also hosts photography retreats and destination photo shoots in the Oregon high desert, the Southwest and Hawaii. Lara is excited to embark on an empty nest adventure this year with her husband and Golden retriever just north of Portland, Oregon.

Savvy Sources

Find Lara

Mentioned in the Podcast

Blog post Lara shared
Destination portrait experience
First Tranquility du Jour podcast with Lara: Photography 101
10 Days with Mama Wilson
TDJ Live THIS Sunday
Six TDJ Tenets
Six places in Europe offering shelter from the crowds: Lucca

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