Year in Review

About Kimberly Wilson and Tranquility du Jour
love notes
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Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. —Søren Kierkegaard

Below is a list of my year’s experiences in no particular order, a brief reflection, and resources to support us moving into the new year.

Consider your own 2021 list and look for patterns, wins, challenges, boundaries, and those sweet moments in between. Although this year took a major toll on our mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial well-being, you may just surprise yourself when you compile your own list!


Took 250+ ballet classes
Started pointe lessons
Hosted four virtual retreats
Hosted 30+ Annual Passholder Collective Events
Planned and launched Tranquility Coterie {2 days left to join}
Sent 35 Love Notes (sign up here)
Took two trips to Oklahoma
Enjoyed two jaunts to NYC just before Delta and Omicron spikes
Hosted two TDJ Style Pop-Ups
Adopted a few orangutans through Orangutan Outreach
Celebrated 17 years with my partner Tim
Moved into a new office space
Sponsored a pack of turkeys through The Gentle Barn
Collaborated with clients through therapy sessions
Grieved the loss of our beloved Belle Starr
Dozens of tea dates with friends
Worked on my memoir {sh*tty first draft done!}
Took a 5-week road trip with family {4-part podcast series}
Spent two separate weeks in Cape Charles, VA
Attended the October Women’s March
Coordinated two clothing line photo shoots
Donated $5k+ through TDJ offerings
Saw Pink Martini and Harry Connick Jr. in concert
Attended many therapy-related trainings
Saw Alanis and Garbage in concert
Got double vaxxed and boosted
Indulged in candles, books, tea, face serums {I have a problem}
Made time for regular facials
Postponed hip replacement surgery
Hired a contractor for a kitchen and bathroom renovation
Hosted three pet loss support groups {Next one is 3/1, register here}
Traveled to the City of Light
Saw six live jazz shows
Finalized the Capsule Wardrobe workbook
Released 51 podcast episodes
Hired a Pigs & Pugs Project social media person for 2022
Asked “What brings me joy, makes a contribution, and feels right for my future direction?”
Decided to let go of in-person retreats, TDJ Lives, and the book club
Sent 350(ish) snail mail love notes
Consumed 600(ish) cups of tea


During Saturday’s virtual retreat, I did these journal prompts along with the group and wanted to share a few nuggets from them.

  1. What worked well for me in 2021? Creating the Coterie {SO excited about this group!}, getting off Facebook, trimming my offerings, therapy practice, setting up a home remodel {will share photos}, virtual private ballet sessions and group classes, big home declutter, road trip, Paris, Oklahoma
  2. What didn’t work for me in 2021? Losing Belle Starr, poor eating habits at times—especially on the road trip and when grieving, not finishing my Goodreads Reading Challenge {read 38 of 48 goal}, dealt with a lot physical pain, unregulated AM routine.
  3. What did I learn about myself last year? Strong sense of resilience, I work better solo, I can now trim videos (thanks, Tim!), how much I love ballet {and struggle}, how much I love my tiny pink home and office, that it’s impossible for me to read or create when grieving.
  4. How did my goals for 2021 unfold? I achieved half of the Year’s Dreams list in my Daybook such as 50 podcasts, visit Paris, nurture the Passholder Collective, create a content calendar, declutter. A few that I didn’t meet: read 48 books, complete my memoir proposal, send 50 love notes {shifted from sending them weekly}, daily salad, create e-courses.
  5. A few 2022 Year’s Dreams: proposal to agent, hip surgery {later in the year}, healthy pugs, send two love notes/month, release two podcasts/month, increase color on my plate, learn and perform the Lilac Fairy in Miami, progress to pointe in the center, nurture Coterie loves, incorporate more play and relaxation time, create a few micro-courses, finish a few e-courses I’ve signed up for, donate more to support orangutans, pigs, and pugs, buy more flowers, create AM writing time, simplify TDJ clothing options, declutter during remodel.

I’m still finalizing my word/theme for 2022 plus my full Year’s Dreams and will be sure to share once they’re ready. I like the sense of accountability that comes with writing them in my Daybook, tracking them inside the Daybook’s monthly review, and sharing them with you here.

Overall 2021 was a fine year. Not great, not the worst. Considering the uncertainty due to COVID, I tried to focus on what I could control and adjust accordingly. Some days it was much easier than others. Ballet continued to be a dominate presence as did my therapy practice, Passholder Collective, and pug caretaking. I see this continuing into the new year and hope to make more space to write in my journal, sip tea with friends, cuddle pugs, and read fireside {or by candlelight}.

May 2022 be filled with time and space for what matters most to you! Bisous. x


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