June in Review

love notes
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Hello love! Monthly I do a review and also create my next month’s dreams. This reflection exercise allows me to stay accountable, review goals, celebrate, and note what needs adjustment. I duplicate this process in my Daybook, too, since I’m a paper lover!

You’ll also find an assortment of June’s photos plus a roundup of all things TDJ this month and Savvy Sources I thought you’d enjoy. Bisous. x

June in Review

Release four podcasts [DONE]
Safe travels [DONE]
Savor time in nature [DONE]
Send 60 postcards [SENT 75]
Host inspiring TDJ Live [DONE]
Take 25 ballet classes [TOOK 20]
Read four books [READ TWO]
Finish an online course [TBD]
Reflect [IN PROCESS]

June Highlights

Eating a crumpet and seeing rows of peonies in Seattle’s Pike Place Market
Visiting Chateau Ste Michelle and sipping my favorite Riesling wine
Playing in pink fluff at Lara Blair’s Photography studio
Listening to live jazz at Yoshi’s in Oakland
Camping in the redwoods
Tea, dinners, and brunching with loved ones along the west coast
Dining at Ravens vegan resto in Mendocino
Visiting Big Sur and the Henry Miller Library
Wandering through Portland’s Rose Test Garden at dusk
Driving along the California coast
Coordinating a private Journal Breeze class for the Passholder Collective
Hosting an Instagram Live with June’s Book Club author Elayne Fluker
Sending 75 postcards
Seeing Roadrunner at a private outdoor film screening
Celebrating birthday eve in Mendocino

July Dreams

Release four podcasts
Release new TDJ designs and 8-piece capsule
Send four Love Notes
Host inspiring Mid-Year Virtual Retreat
Safe travels back to DC
Smooth move into my new office space
Quick jaunt to NYC for ballet, brunch at Ladybird, and jazz/hip hop
Survive single parenting four pets for eight days
Take 25 ballet classes
Complete one online course
Read four books
Detox after a month of gluttony
Savor reconnect time with friends

TDJ Roundup

Podcast #547: The Divine Feline
Podcast #546: On the Road: Part 2
Podcast #545: Pause. Breathe. Choose.
Podcast #544: On the Road: Part 1
July Book Club Pick
Mid-Year Virtual Retreat
Summer TDJ Live Replay

Savvy Sources

How to Strengthen Your Creative Intuition
7 Ways Cooking Can Boost Your Mental Health
Make These 27 Books Part of Your Anti-Racism Education
7 Bad Habits That Are Holding You Back at Work
Reset Your Boundaries Online and Off
How to Be Charming When You’re a Quiet Introvert
13 Summer Fashion Tricks
Most Anticipated Non-Fiction of Summer 2021
50 Things To Do On Your Birthday
The Birthday Tradition You Should Start Immediately
Recipe: Vegan Birthday Cake