Tranquility du Jour #427: Bookwifery

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Bookwifery with Christianne Squires. In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, we discuss the trimesters of book pregnancy, what discernment is and how to use it, her advice to stuck writers, and more.

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Featured Guest:

Christianne Squires is the founder of Bookwifery, a company that helps contemplatives, teachers, and leaders birth books that heal the world with light. She supports fledgling authors in this way through her book-pregnancy-themed online courses, her popular free workshop that helps people discern if they are pregnant with a book, and the recently launched Bookwifery podcast.
Christianne worked in publishing and editorial for nearly twenty years and as a spiritual director for nearly ten and says it is her great delight to have merged those two vocations into the work she does at Bookwifery. She is active on Instagram (her favorite social platform) and lives in Winter Park, Florida, with her husband, Kirk, and their two cats, Aslan and Lucy.

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