Tranquility du Jour #488: Creative Process

Tranquility du Jour #488: Creative Process
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with visual journaler and sketchook maker Ludid Ryu about her creative  rituals, tools, inspiration, and more.

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Guest: Ludid Ryu

As a young girl spent hours painting squares with watercolors on school paper and doodling on the margins of my multiplication tables homework.

As a quiet teenager writing fan letters to actor Sean Astin and enjoying making mobiles in the ever-struggling math class.

As a graduate teaching assistant thrilled about creating a teaching notebook with all kinds of lesson plans and activities.

As a mom carving out time here and there to dabble and learn ways boost my creativity.

As an artist publishing artwork and an article in Somerset Studio and Somerset Life in the mid-2000’s as well as self-publishing a book of poems alongside abstract paintings called Bounce with a local writer and friend in 2013.

And these days mindfully moving between visual journaling, making sketchbooks, and writing while paying attention to what lights me up.

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