Tranquility du Jour #510: Soulful Living

Tranquility du Jour #510: Soulful Living
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I chat with Nina Sasson about her work as a soulful career coach, the role of style in daily life, and ways to bring more mindfulness into our actions.

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Nina is a Soulful Career Coach. She empowers the high achievers, the go-getters, the big money-makers of the world to lead with soul and find a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment—WITHIN.
Nina has spent the last decade investing in her personal growth not because it’s trendy, but because it’s up-leveled her professional confidence and in turn her career in a massive way.
Today, she’s a top performer at Vevo and their first ever on staff Mindful Business & Sales Coach, empowering her colleagues to lead with soul and amplify their impact.
She is devoted to freeing other humans from the confines of the mind—to help them get out of their own way by seeing the self-imposed blocks to success and joy—and then help reconnect with the part of them that will guide them to everything they’ve ever wanted and more: their soul.
Nina is on a mission to transform how people function and perform in the workplace. By helping them shed old belief systems and cultural conditioning, they can fully access their gifts and inner wisdom to create careers that light them up.
She is a lover of  fabulous outfits (mixing prints!), wearing bright lipstick, meditating, drag queens, taking dance breaks, sipping a homemade cocktail in gorgeous stemware, and watching Cottagecore videos.  
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