March in Review

love notes
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Grief is really about turning inward and recalibrating, and thinking: ‘This is not the way the world is anymore, and I need to adapt’ . . .  It’s okay to feel grief over what we’re losing. When we do that, it allows us to let grief do its job, so that we can move on. —George Bonanno, PhD

Everything changed last month and, yet, so much remains the same.

I still walk and feed the pups, bathe, get dressed (hello, uniform), eat, sleep, work with clients virtually, connect with loved ones, handle emails, and create content for the TDJ community (YOU!).

However, it’s at a different pace with less moving parts.

Our world may feel smaller right now with a focus mainly on essentials. I recently described this time as feeling like all the puzzle pieces are dumped out of the box and we’re putting the puzzle together slowly to determine which pieces will still fit when this is over. Resonate?

Below you’ll find a review of my month (um, lots of pup pics), dreams for April, and an array of resources. I hope that wherever you’re reading this from, you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. Bisous. x

Month in Review

Here’s a review of my March dreams and outcomes:

Complete Veterinary Social Work (VSW) online curriculum [DONE]
Learn lots at VSW Animal Assisted Intervention weekend in Knoxville [CANCELED DUE TO VIRUS]
Release two podcasts [DONE]
Release two Tea with K videos [DONE]
Learn lots at writing retreat [CANCELED DUE TO VIRUS]
Design new Love Note welcome series [ON HOLD]
TranquiliT transitions [ON HOLD]
Collaborate with clients [YES!]

Highlights: Hosted TDJ Live, TDJ Brunch, and TDJ “We’re in this Together” Gathering, recorded and released five new Tea with K videos, watched Broadchurch and Tiger King, had a Zoom happy hour with my family in Oklahoma, sipped lots of green smoothies and Bubbly Rose kombucha, created a new virtual retreat, took online classes with fun teachers, spent more time fireside with family, and found this Paris Opera screening.

April Wish List

Smooth adjustment to the new normal
Daily exercise classes
Host inspiring virtual retreat
Stay healthy
Host community gatherings
Release two Tea with K videos
Release two podcasts
Collaborate with clients
Finalize Love Note welcome series
Update TranquiliT website

Savvy Sources

Work from Home Solutions
7 Books to Add to Your April Reading List
10 Ways to Detox Your Emotions
Avocado Tofu Chocolate Mousse Recipe
6 Ways to Brighten Someone’s Day While Social Distancing
10 Self-Care Tips for Reducing Isolation Anxiety
Ways to Style Leggings
6 Ways to Connect with Nature during Covid-19
10 Quick & Easy Plant-Based Recipes
Guide to Vacationing at Home
3 Ways Creativity Can Boost Your Mental Health
Mourning our Bygone Lives
Our Clothes Tell a Story