May in Review

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May in Review

Welcome to June! I hope you’re able to carve out a few minutes over the next day or two to pen your June dreams and do your May review. Here’s the digital version of mine:

Took 10 yoga classes and one ballet class, read two books, sang along to Garth Brooks, fell in love with Midland {they opened for Garth}, saw Wild Nights with Emily, ordered a DC library card, practiced hand lettering with friends, completed and released the Daybook, collaborated with clients, didn’t get my decluttering done {sigh}, created the TDJ Soirée Welcome Guide for guests, had the most adorable puppy come to a therapy session {diagnosed him as incurably adorable} attended a Pug Takeover event in Baltimore and met Hamilton, joined The Wing {color-coded library featured above}, savored a five-hour Mother’s Day brunch with girlfriends {yummy spread above}, enjoyed a six-hour happy hour with neighbors, had a wonderful weekend in Pittsburgh with friends, had another gum surgery {ugh, numbing gel featured above}, Pops adopted the sweetest little kitten {see above}, spotted the pups kissing and holding hands {see above}, spent three days in the forest with Tim and the pups, booked a flight and Airbnb in Paris for late summer, survived two weeks of solo parenting, enjoyed tea dates with girlfriends, toted Gizmo in a sling to help quiet his sundowner syndrome, donated micro-grants through Pigs & Pugs Project, got a cortisone shot in my shoulder {ouch}, took a Bed Day, got an eye exam and annual physical {still too much darn iron in my blood?!}, hair cut/color, savored many vegan cupcakes at Sprinkles.

Analog version coming next complete with washi tape, a glue stick, a Sharpie, and images from Bella Grace.

I wish you space to exhale, sip iced green tea, reflect on the first half of 2019 {where did it go?!}, consider the second half of 2019, love who you are, and love who you are becoming. You’re beautiful. Bisous. x

June Dreams

Co-host an AMAZING Yoga + the Animals
Finalize prep and host a magical TDJ Soirée
Host mama for 10 days
Visit the baby apes at the zoo {while I don’t support captive animals, I do support the zoo’s conservation efforts}
Take in Jazz in the Garden
See the women’s suffrage exhibit at the National Archives
Collaborate with clients
See A Doll’s House, Part 2
Host inspiring TDJ Live on June 23
Take a two-day ballet intensive
Savor 46th birthday on June 30 {woo-hoo!}
Release all the Daybook bonuses
Teach in the Yoga and Meditation Virtual Summit June 15th & 16th {FREE: sign up here}
Plant flower garden

Savvy Sources

Hacking the Habit Loop with Mindfulness
Summer Bucket List
10 Tips to Read More
26 New LGBTQIA+ Books To Read This Pride Month
Planning Your Essential Girls’ Night In
Take a Mindful Garden Walk
How to: Rose Quartz Facial Roller
Anti-Inflammatory Vegan Meals
DIY Anti-Aging Beauty Recipes
8 Detoxifying Ingredients to Refresh This Summer
Warm Weather Staples