August in Review

love notes
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Hello love! Monthly I do a review of the month and also create my next month’s dreams. This reflection exercise allows me to stay accountable, review goals, celebrate, and note what needs adjustment. I duplicate this process in my Daybook, too, since I’m a paper lover! You’ll also find an assortment of photos from the month plus Savvy Sources I thought you may enjoy. Bisous. x

August in Review

Daily ballet (or yoga) classes [DONE]
Read three books/host online book club (join us here) [READ TWO]
Send four Love Notes [DONE]
Release five podcasts [DONE]
Host 500th TDJ Podcast Soirée [DONE]
Start private virtual ballet lessons [DONE]
Get closer on memoir structure [DOING]
Release two Tea with Kimberly videos [DONE]
Create new Instagram feature stories [DONE]
Smooth office move [DONE]
Organize files [DONE]
TranquiliT efforts [DONE]
Weekly creative time/Artist Date [SO-SO]
Record eight fall podcast episodes [DONE]
Set up a virtual sanctuary visit to meet PIGS [STILL TO DO]

August Highlights

Read The Chiffon Trenches (with you)
Evening campfire time
Starting weekly private ballet sessions
Farmers’ market jaunts (helllllooooo juicy peaches, plums, nectarines)
Socially distanced tea times with friends
Gizmo getting through his dental smoothly
Wearing old toe shoes through a private session (didn’t get en pointe)
[Almost] daily meditation
Discovered Qi flower tea
Watching Belle soak up the sunshine
Doing yoga with Gizmo
Getting vegan (no cheese) pizza from new local spot

September Wish List

Savor time away for Tim’s birthday
Continue daily classes and weekly private sessions
Learn lots at Impact Fashion Summit
Host inspiring TDJ Live on September 20
Open registration for TDJ Lifestyle e-course (launching October 11)
Read three books (including book club pick, to be announced shortly)
Finish declutter project
Collaborate with therapy and coaching clients
Release four podcasts and five Love Notes
Roll out TranquiliT-cum-TDJ by Kimberly
Keep time/space for weekly creative work
Daily meditation
Crystallize Q4 dreams
Savor the turn to fall
Start working with doctor at Barnard Medical Center

Savvy Sources

15 Plant-Based Recipes to Meal Prep
Connection Between Creativity and a Happy Life
Aging in Style
Armchair Travel
An Anti-Racism Resources Guide
Age Gracefully, the French Way
Loving Your Age, Eating Well, and More
Simple Ways to Make Your Home into a Sanctuary
How Journaling Can Help in Hard Times
Fall Fashion Trends
COVID and Your Mental Health