Top 10 Podcasts of 2022

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I’m working on my Year in Review and wanted to share the top 10 Tranquility du Jour podcasts of 2022.

#573 2021 in Review

#575 Somatic Journaling

#577 Raise Your Vibrations

#574 Life Lately

#576 Life Lately & Journal Prompts

#578 Managing Anxiety

#579 Relationship Essentials

#580 Mental Health Love

#581 For a Good Cause

#583 Reclaiming Wellness

How many of these have you listened to?

PS Have a topic you’d love to hear more about in 2023? Share it below or over here.

PPS Have a vision for our 600th episode happening in February? Let me know. I can’t wait to celebrate 600 episodes and 18 years with you!