April in Review

love notes
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Hello love! Monthly I do a review and also create my next month’s dreams. This reflection exercise allows me to stay accountable, review goals, celebrate, and note what needs adjustment. I duplicate this process in my Daybook, too, since I’m a paper lover!

You’ll also find an assortment of April’s photos plus a roundup of all things TDJ this month and Savvy Sources I thought you’d enjoy. Bisous. x

April in Review

Take ballet 5-6 times/week [DONE]
Host inspiring virtual retreat [DONE]
Get vaccinated [DONE]
Visit family in Oklahoma [DONE]
Read four books [DONE]
Release four Love Notes & podcasts [DONE]
Release new Tea with Kimberly [DONE]
Collaborate with clients [DONE]
Record six podcast interviews [DONE]
Brunch dates [DONE]
Carve out creative space [DONE]
Eat more whole foods/less processed/sugar [DONE]

April Highlights

Sipping tea and dining outside [photo above]
Afternoon hike on C&O Canal with family [photo above]
Seeing all the blooms [photo above]
Tim and pups dropping me at the airport [photo above]
Flying to Oklahoma
Surviving my second vaccine
Visiting Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma [photo above]
Getting fitted for pre-pointe and pointe shoes
Receiving my first spring peony bouquet [photo above]
Walking to get the mail with parents [photo above]
Watching the Hemingway documentary
Getting good news from Gizmo’s oncologist
Hosting a workshop for Elizabeth Dole Foundation
Watching the judge read the guilty verdict
Brunch dates
Cleaning out my closet
Taking 22 ballet classes
Planning summer trip

May Dreams

Release five podcasts
Release four Love Notes
Release a Tea with K video
Read four books
Take 25 ballet classes
Schedule late summer/fall trip to Paris
Collaborate with clients
Finish an online course
Savor time in Cape Charles, Virginia
Safe travels back to Oklahoma
Host inspiring Pop-Up for TDJPC
Work on deepening memoir draft
Meetups with friends

TDJ Roundup

Life Lately
Earth Day Every Day {10 Tips}
The Ritual of Tea
Podcast 538: Life Lately
Podcast 537: Get Over “I Got It!”
Podcast 536: Spring Reflection
Podcast 535: Radical Intuition

Savvy Sources

Bystander Intervention Training
19 Self-Care Ideas That Cost Nothing
How a Year Without Hugs Affects Our Mental Health
6 Fashion Hacks I Learned in Quarantine
Why Are We Craving “Wholesome” Things?
I’m Not Languishing, I’m Dormant
My Beauty Uniform: Kate Baer (last month’s online book club pick author)
Self-Care Rituals That Have Become Non-Negotiables
Burned Out People Will Keep Burning Up the Planet
The Guilt of Not Working More, When We’re Done for the Day
40 Vegan Dinner Recipes
5 Mistakes We Make When We’re Overwhelmed