July in Review

love notes
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Hello love, happy new month!

Monthly I do a review and also create my next month’s dreams. This reflection exercise allows me to stay accountable, review goals, celebrate, and note what needs adjustment. I duplicate this process in my Daybook, too, since I’m a paper lover!

You’ll also find an assortment of July’s photos plus a monthly roundup of all things TDJ and Savvy Sources I thought you’d enjoy.

Grab your planner, review your photos, and note how July’s dreams unfolded. List your month’s highlights and consider what you’d like to experience, do, and/or be in the month ahead. Bisous. x

July in Review

Release four podcasts [DONE]
Release new TDJ designs and 8-piece capsule [DONE/IN PROCESS]
Send four Love Notes [SENT ONE]
Host inspiring Mid-Year Virtual Retreat [DONE]
Safe travels back to DC [DONE]
Smooth move into my new office space [DONE]
Quick jaunt to NYC for ballet, brunch at Ladybird, and jazz/hip hop [DONE]
Survive single parenting four pets for eight days [DONE]
Take 25 ballet classes [DONE]
Complete one online course [STARTED]
Read four books [DONE]
Detox after a month of gluttony [IN PROCESS]
Savor reconnect time with friends [DONE]

July Highlights

Enjoyed two NYC jazz shows
Took six hours of in-person ballet with my private teacher in NYC
Found Broche Ballet classes
Moved into my new office {see above}
Enjoyed time with family in Oklahoma {saying goodbye to parents above}
Savored two Laduree tea dates {see above—note vegan omelette option in NYC}
Ordered myself peonies {see above}
Enjoyed early AM walks to Mercy Me for a vegan zucchini muffin {see above}
Saw Hip Tranquil Chick at Strand bookstore in NYC {see above}
Donned sequin duster for Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons by candlelight {see above}
Made new favorite Greek salad {see above}
Saw sign to end horse slaughter at Union Station {see above}
Took Amtrak for the first time in 1.5 years
Signed up for 1% for the Planet again
Found pretty pink roses at Trader Joe’s {see above}
Took Gizmo on a Friday night stroll through Dupont {see above}
Renewed my social work license
Got a mani/pedi and my hair done
Donated $1000 to Pigs & Pugs Project {thanks virtual retreat supporters}
Gave two $500 micro-grants to Homeward Bound Pug Rescue and My Pig Filled Life
Collaborated with clients
Reconnected with writing teacher after two months off
Applied for Global Entry
Enjoyed a fun evening out with neighbors
Sat outside and listened to jazz in Adam’s Morgan
Sipped cucumber juice at NYC’s Ladybird {see above}

August Dreams

Continued detox coupled with treats
Get cortisone shots
Enhance memoir draft
Complete office set up {curtains & chandelier}
Daily ballet and yoga
Host inspiring Pop-Up for TDJPC
Create new 8-piece TDJ capsule how-to
Release three Love Notes
Release five TDJ Podcasts
Savor four concerts: Pink Martini, Alanis, Harry Connick Jr., Star Wars symphony
Healthy family
Website updates
Finish one ecourse
Eat TONS of fruit and veggies {current obsession: corn on the cob}

TDJ Roundup

Podcast #551: The Qi Tea
Podcast #550: On the Road: Part 4
Podcast #549: Goodbye Complaining
Podcast #548: On the Road: Part 3
Blog: Fall Sneak Peek
Blog: August Book Club Pick
Blog: Birthday Reflections
Video: Road Trip Packing

Savvy Sources

Why Less is More When it Comes to Creative Living
Comfort Transitional Objects for Adults
5 Things My Therapist Taught Me About Self-Love
What Does it Mean to Work Effortlessly?
How to Go (Almost) Zero Waste at the Grocery Store
Why Adults Learn Ballet Better
The Ultimate Summer Reading List
6 Tips to Look Like a Ballerina
Makeup and Masks—It’s All About the Eyes
8 Deep Breathing Exercises to Reduce Anxiety