July in Review

love notes
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Hello love! Monthly I do a review of the month and also create my next month’s dreams. This reflection exercise allows me to stay accountable, review goals, celebrate, and note what needs adjustment. I duplicate this process in my Daybook, too, since I’m a paper lover! You’ll also find an assortment of photos from the month plus Savvy Sources I thought you may enjoy. Bisous. x

July in Review

Read 3 books [READ TWO]
Host fun TDJ Brunch with a side of TranquiliT on 7/11 [YES!]
Host meaningful Mid-Year Virtual Retreat on 7/18 [YES!]
Release 4 podcasts [DONE]
Record new Tea with Kimberly videos [YES, NOT YET RELEASED]
Send a TranquiliT and Kimberly Wilson Therapy newsletter [YES!]
TranquiliT rebrand efforts [YES!]
Complete Daily Om writing course [YES!]
Pen and send birthday thank-you notes [YES!]
Set up content calendar [YES!]
Announce next online book club pick [YES!]

July Highlights

Hosted TDJ Brunch and Mid-Year Virtual Retreat
Read Untamed (with you!)
Weekly farmers’ market jaunts
Took daily ballet (and a few yoga) classes
Designed new clothing line label (to be revealed)
Joined The Great Farm Sanctuary Tour and seeing lots of pigs
Matcha latte socially distanced cafe dates with friends
Yoga and soy hot dogs on the 4th
Movie nights with Tim and pups

August Wish List

Daily ballet (or yoga) classes
Read three books/host online book club (join us here)
Send four Love Notes
Release five podcasts
Host 500th TDJ Podcast Soirée
Start private virtual ballet lessons
Get closer on memoir structure
Release two Tea with Kimberly videos
Create new Instagram feature stories
Smooth office move
Organize files
TranquiliT efforts
Weekly creative time/Artist Date
Record eight fall podcast episodes
Set up a virtual sanctuary visit to meet PIGS

Savvy Sources

The Psychology Behind the To-Do List
6 Life Lessons We Can Learn from Dolly
4 Amazing Tidbits from Michelle Obama’s Podcast
How to Inspire Creativity
21 Vegan Smoothie Recipes
Moving Beyond Performative Allyship
50 Ways to Green Up Your Life
10 Houseplant Decor Ideas
How to Tie a Scarf
Back to Ballet After 40
Top Tips for Transitioning to a Vegan Lifestyle
11 Women on Their Everyday Fashion Uniforms