September in Review

love notes
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Hello love! Monthly I do a review of the month and also create my next month’s dreams. This reflection exercise allows me to stay accountable, review goals, celebrate, and note what needs adjustment. I duplicate this process in my Daybook, too, since I’m a paper lover! You’ll also find an assortment of photos from the month plus Savvy Sources I thought you may enjoy. Bisous. x

September in Review

Savor time away for Tim’s birthday [DONE]
Continue daily ballet classes and weekly private sessions [DONE]
Learn lots at Impact Fashion Summit [DONE]
Host inspiring TDJ Live on September 20 [DONE]
Open registration for TDJ Lifestyle e-course (launching October 11) [DONE]
Read three books (including book club pick, to be announced shortly) [FINISHED TWO]
Finish declutter project [MADE PROGRESS]
Collaborate with therapy and coaching clients [DONE]
Release four podcasts and five Love Notes [DONE]
Roll out TranquiliT-cum-TDJ by Kimberly [IN PROGRESS]
Keep time/space for weekly creative work [DONE]
Daily meditation [ALMOST]
Crystallize Q4 dreams [DONE]
Savor the turn to fall [DONE]
Start working with doctor at Barnard Medical Center [DONE]

September Highlights

Working remotely at an old farmhouse in Cape Charles, VA
Celebrating Tim’s birthday at a brewery
Hosting TDJ Live and connecting with so many of you (photo above)
Opening registration for new ecourse TDJ Lifestyle
Visiting a sunflower field (photos above)
Spending an afternoon sipping viognier at Three Foxes Winery (where Mookie was named Dog of the Month)
Going down to the Supreme Court to honor RBG (photo above)
Driving through Shenandoah National Park
Starting to see progress in ballet
Savoring the start of fall foliage
Wearing tall boots for the first time and wrapping in layers
Signing up to volunteer with Women’s March
Picking up my first dahlias at the farmers’ market (photo above)
Walking with pups on the beach (photo above)
Reading Raising the Barre and More Than Enough

October Dreams

Learn lots at next week’s Veterinary Social Work conference
Daily ballet classes
Fill in ballet journal (noting experience post-class)
Attend October 17 Women’s March
Host inspiring five-week ecourse
Release four love notes and four podcasts
Collaborate with clients
Weekly creative time/space
Transition TranquiliT to TDJ site
Daily meditation and reading

Savvy Sources

How to Organize Your Week with Time Blocking
How to Build Closer Relationships
Boost Focus and Productivity at Home
Fall Decor on Etsy
10 Easy Habits to Help You Spend Less Time on Social Media
11 Healthy Habits from a Nutritionist
10 Movies Not to Miss
7 Surprising Benefits of Writing a Journal
12 Steps to Building Your Ideal Life
How to Be More Stylish
WFH Office Pro Tips