Tranquility du Jour Podcast #597: 2022 Year in Review

Tranquility du Jour Podcast #597: 2022 Year in Review
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In this week’s edition of Tranquility du Jour, I share my Year in Review. Hear my top 10 highlights, what went well, what didn’t go so well, dreams for 2023, and more PLUS a variety of resources for you!

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Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. —Søren Kierkegaard

Hello dear reader. I hope you’re finding a gentle landing spot int this new year.

Longtime blog readers may recall my “weeks in review” turned “months in review” turned “season in review” over the years. And, of course, there’s the annual Year in Review.

This reflection exercise allows me to stay accountable, set and review goals, celebrate, and note what needs adjustment.

Below is a list of my year’s experiences. After the top 10, they’re in no particular order. There’s also a brief reflection and resources to support us moving into the new year.

To compile this information I reviewed my Daybook, monthly dreams, birthday exercise (here’s mine from 2021), goodreads app, ballet class platforms, and photos. Needless to say, it’s a process!

Consider your own 2022 list. Look for patterns, wins, challenges, boundaries, and those sweet moments in between. Although this year may have been challenging, you may just rediscover some gems when you compile your own Year in Review.

Oh, and here’s an Instagram reel with heaps of photos from 2022.

Year’s Experiences Top 10

Got a new hip
Hosted 30+ Coterie events including an in-person tea party
Renovated the Pink Palace (my 600-sqare-foot home)
Won 2nd place for Lilac Fairy in the International Adult Ballet Festival’s Beginner Solo Category [Instagram reel mentioned in the podcast]
Hosted Hip Tranquil Chick’s 16th birthday (so. much. fun.)
Celebrated Gizmo’s 15th birthday
Collaborated with dear clients through therapy
Completed memoir draft 2.0
Developed a big crush on Harry Styles and saw him in Chicago
Traveled to Paris three times

More Experiences in Random Order

Was a guest on Victoria Moran’s podcast
Signed up for a yoga retreat in Borneo through Borneo Orangutan Survival (obsessed with orangutans)
Was a guest on Mary Michelle Nidffer’s podcast
Went to Costa Rica with Mama Wilson
Took 200+ ballet classes [two months off]
Hosted TDJ Lifestyle E-course
Performed in two group pieces at the International Adult Ballet Festival [one on pointe]
Released new Tea with Kimberly videos
No More Facebook
Simplified TDJ clothing designs
Traveled to NYC for four private sessions with my teacher
Enjoyed four live jazz shows {three in NYC, one in Paris}
Spent a weekend in NYC with my friend Jenn
Hosted 5 pet loss support sessions
Got my Maryland social work license
Worked on memoir book proposal draft
Hours of physical therapy
Took a 16-week pointe class with Broche Ballet and private lessons
Revamped patio garden
Made dozens of Pigs & Pugs Project micro-grants
Hosted two TDJ Style Pop-Ups
Planted 250 trees through Borneo Orangutan Survival
Hosted a TDJ Tenets Masterclass
Coordinated two clothing line photos shoots in DC and Paris
Sent 200(ish) snail mail love notes
Released 26 podcast episodes
Sent 30 newsletter Love Notes
Got more vaccines
Attended many therapy-related trainings
Hosted numerous tea dates chez moi
Dozens of tea dates and ballet dates with friends
Celebrated 18 years with my partner Tim
Planned and launched Coterie 2023 [doors close 1/4]
Introduced the adorable market bag [8 left]
Hosted Tranquil Holidays
Read 32 of 48 books in Goodreads Reading Challenge [sigh]
Updated TDJ Tenets micro-course [coming soon]
Hired a bookkeeping agency
Hired a social media person who I adore
Continued working with a beloved web designer and graphic designer
Revamped some of my website [thanks Mara]
Traveled between DC and WV dozens of times during home renovation
Packed for a week to Paris in a carry-on and shoulder bag
Dabbled in Instagram reels
Sent parents to the Holy Land for a 10-day tour
Bought four tickets to see Harry Styles in Paris June 2023
Donated 10K to charity—Pigs & Pugs Project, Borneo Orangutan Survival, 1% for the Planet


During Sunday’s virtual retreat, I explored these journal prompts along with the group and wanted to share a few nuggets from them.

What Worked Well for Me in 2022? Hosting the Coterie, being off Facebook (video with tips forthcoming), trimming my offerings, full therapy practice, a bit of travel, love my office space, charity donations, home renovation, virtual private ballet sessions and group classes, new hip, memoir efforts.

What Didn’t Work for Me in 2022? Lack of mobility for two months, poor eating habits at times, not enough reading, challenges managing physical pain, not completing online courses, didn’t create as much content as I wanted to, didn’t complete memoir book proposal.

What Did I Learn About Myself Last Year? I can handle a lot of discomfort (hip), I can win an award at a ballet competition, how much I love ballet (and struggle), how grateful I am for my tiny pink home and office, I made many more in person connections.

How Did My Goals for 2022 Unfold? I achieved more than half of the Year’s Dreams list in my Daybook such as releasing 25 podcasts, getting a new hip, nurturing the Coterie, adding video to my podcast interviews and created more Tea with Kimberly’s, streamlining my website (thanks Mara!), setting up solid business bookkeeping, giving a proud performance of Lilac Fairy, remodeling chez moi, and taking trips to Paris. A few that I didn’t meet and are still on my radar: read 48 books, complete my memoir proposal, solid pirouettes at the barre and in the center, daily salad, create e-courses.

My 2023 Year’s Dreams: get memoir proposal to my agent, healthy pugs, host 600th podcast event (save the date: February 20), send two monthly love notes (sign up here), release two monthly podcasts, increase color on my plate and eat more veggies/whole foods (less sugar—my life’s struggle), carve out more family time, learn and perform Prelude from Les Sylphides at the International Adult Ballet Festival, celebrate my 50th birthday in a meaningful way, get back onto pointe, nurture my Coterie loves and clients, incorporate more play and relaxation time (ongoing challenge), create a few micro-courses (any requests?), finish a few e-courses I’ve signed up for, donate to support orangutans, pigs, and pugs, create AM writing time, design spring #balletcore TDJ clothing collection, declutter.

A Few of My Favorite Reads: The Idea of You by Robinne Lee, Personality Isn’t Permanent by Benjamin Hardy, Free Time by Jenny Blake, Toxic Positivity by Whitney Goodman

A Few of My Favorite Shows: White Lotus, Emily in Paris, Fleishman is in Trouble, The Patient

A Few of My Favorite Songs: All things Harry Styles especially Falling and Sign of the Times

Overall 2022 was a solid year. Ballet continued to be a dominate presence as did my therapy practice, the Coterie, and pug caregiving. I see this continuing into the new year and hope to make more space to write in my journal, create content for you, sip tea with friends, cuddle pugs, and read fireside {or by candlelight}.

I’m still finalizing my word/theme for 2023 and feel it bubbling up inside. What about you? May 2023 be filled with time and space for what matters most to you! Bisous. x


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