
Let’s Coterie video link Take a peek inside the Coterie experience With over 30+ live events, a resource library, weekly lessons from Year of Tranquility, a private community in Circle, a mental health micro-course, seasonal retreat immersions, and lots of love, this transformative virtual program offers you tools and support to find more beauty and

Let’s Coterie2022-12-27T14:38:33-05:00

Holiday Treats: Coloring Sheet & Videos

Wishing you and yours a happy Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Solstice, New Year's, and Epiphany. May this season bring you ease, comfort, and joy. Curl up under a cozy blanket, dress in layers, sip hot cocoa topped with vegan marshmallows, and enjoy the treats below that I made just for you. Thanks for all your love

Holiday Treats: Coloring Sheet & Videos2022-12-23T08:46:48-05:00

A Postcard for Your Thoughts

Have a few minutes to spare? Share the tranquility and receive a pretty Paris postcard (only a few of these Dior ones left!). Here's the skinny: 1. Pen a review of any of my books on Amazon or Goodreads. Next, send me a link (or a screenshot) along with your snail mail address. 2. Pen

A Postcard for Your Thoughts2022-09-14T12:24:50-04:00